Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My first book from NavPress Blogger Review Program was a winner!

Matt Bell's Money Strategies for Tough Times by Matt Bell

I’ve read enough financial help books to know what I was in for, but having one written so recently, I knew it’s relevance to current economic conditions would be valuable. What made this one different was the way Matt Bell truly encouraged the reader that it is possible to be successful and to think big. What will life look like when you are free from the current troubles? What will you be able to do for God? It really set the stage to dig in and do the work. The chart referenced throughout the book is daunting at first, but Bell applies it’s uses in stages. He also doesn’t load the book up with easily referenced resources, choosing to direct the reader to internet sites of reputable organizations and ministries. He wraps up all the practical advice with a healthy dose of matters of the heart and that the way out of your troubles must be intentional. As you reach your goals, Bell has you be conscious of community. 2 Tim 2:2 tells us as we are entrusted with these truths so we can “teach others also.” I truly enjoyed this book and will read other titles by Matt Bell.

Check it out!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Been frustrated lately with Dom's aug comm device. A Dynavox VMax. It is supposed to be the end all of devices, but it keeps crashing. It has all the communication software as well as being a computer running XP. I have had many problems with it and had to send it in for more memory first and then for repairs. Makes me want the new touch screen mac to hurry up and get here.
I am going to Prescott Valley for a training with the Special Touch Ministry training team for Chapters . It will be local groups that can meet for fellowship and ministry. Summer Getaway is only once a year and this will help to keep the ministry flowing.
And in two weeks Frank and I get to fly away without the short one. Again, for a Special Touch event. Frank is thrilled to drive through the fall colors as we make our way from Milwaukee to Waupaca. We also get to see Gracey, Zach and whoever else tracks us down. I will stop at my brother's new house, too.
Women's Ministry is starting up again at Living Faith Assembly of God! We have a bible study and we will also meet once a month for fellowship.